RABINOVICH, Iris; SEBASTIÃO, Ana Paula Martins; LIMA, Rubens Silveira; URBAN, Cícero de Andrade; JUNIOR, Eduardo Schunemann; ANSELMI, Karina Furlan; ELIFIO-ESPOSITO, Selene; DE NORONHA, Lucia; MORENO-AMARAL, Andréa Novais. Cancer stem cell markers ALDH1 and CD44+/CD24- phenotype and their prognosis impact in invasive ductal carcinoma. European Journal of Histochemistry, [S. l.], v. 62, n. 3, 2018. DOI: 10.4081/ejh.2018.2943. Disponível em: https://www.ejh.it/index.php/ejh/article/view/2943. Acesso em: 11 mar. 2025.