Different titanium surfaces modulate the bone phenotype of SaOS-2 osteoblast-like cells

Published: 29 June 2009
Abstract Views: 548
PDF: 894
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Commercially pure titanium implants presenting a relatively smooth, machined surface or a roughened endosseous surface show a large percentage of clinical success. Surface properties of dental implants seem to affect bone cells response. Implant topography appears to modulate cell growth and differentiation of osteoblasts affecting the bone healing around the titanium implant. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of 1cm diameter and 1mm thick titanium disks on cellular morphology, adhesion and bone phenotypic expression of human osteoblast-like cells, SaOS-2. SaOS-2 cells were cultured on commercially 1 cm pure titanium disks with three different surface roughness: smooth (S), sandblasted (SB) and titanium plasma sprayed (TPS). Differences in the cellular morphology were found when they were grown on the three different surfaces. An uniform monolayer of cells recovered the S surface, while clusters of multilayered irregularly shaped cells were distributed on the rough SB and TPS surfaces. The adhesion of SaOS-2 cells, as measured after 3h of culture, was not affected by surface roughness. ECM components such as Collagen I (CoI), Fibronectin (FN), Vitronectin (VN) and Tenascin (TN) were secreted and organized only on the SB and TPS surfaces while they remained into the cytoplasm on the S surfaces. Osteopontin and BSP-II were largely detected on the SB and TPS surfaces, while only minimal production was observed on the S ones. These data show that titanium surface roughness affects bone differentiation of osteoblast like-cells, SaOS-2, indicating that surface properties may be able to modulate the osteoblast phenotype. These observations also suggest that the bone healing response around dental implants can be affected by surface topography.



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How to Cite

Postiglione, L., Di Domenico, G., Ramaglia, L., di Lauro, A., Di Meglio, F., & Montagnani, S. (2009). Different titanium surfaces modulate the bone phenotype of SaOS-2 osteoblast-like cells. European Journal of Histochemistry, 48(3), 213–222. https://doi.org/10.4081/890