Original Papers
Effects of different rearing temperatures on muscle development and stress response in the early larval stages of Acipenser baerii
Published: 28 November 20171700PDF: 516HTML: 164 -
The byssus threads of Pinna nobilis: A histochemical and ultrastructural study
Published: 13 November 20171143PDF: 790HTML: 77 -
MIAQuant, a novel system for automatic segmentation, measurement, and localization comparison of different biomarkers from serialized histological slices
Published: 2 November 20172006PDF: 1020MIAQuant user Manual: 202MIAQuant source code: 214HTML: 58 -
Vitamin D and vitamin D receptor in patients with ophthalmic pterygium
Published: 30 October 20171490PDF: 848HTML: 59 -
Expressions of IL-6, TNF-α and NF-κB in the skin of Chinese brown frog (Rana dybowskii)
Published: 19 October 20171556PDF: 697HTML: 46 -
Neurodegeneration in zebrafish embryos and adults after cadmium exposure
Published: 19 October 20172462PDF: 988HTML: 135
Brief Reports
DNA damage in acute myeloid leukemia patients of Northern Mexico
Published: 11 December 20171227PDF: 455HTML: 129
Technical Notes
Incubation under fluid dynamic conditions markedly improves the structural preservation in vitro of explanted skeletal muscles
Published: 28 November 20171214PDF: 465HTML: 96
Views and Comments
Histochemistry today: Detection and location of single molecules
Published: 22 December 2017854PDF: 457